Committed and unwavering. To be steadfast is to remain true to what has been avowed, despite the circumstances - and this is what Vega Manila is all about. It stands firm in its goal of providing safe and lasting employment to its growing network of seafarers whose dreams are to give their respective families the life that they truly deserve. Vega Manila will not falter in its commitment to serve its clients, however daunting some challenges may be.
Efficient and systematic. Vega Manila is methodical in the sense that all steps and processes taken are done with careful and logical planning - and that none is ever entrusted to just chance. Should there be hurdles and mishaps along the way, the methodical people of Vega Manila assure its clients that the company has ample management strategies to use in order to curb any crisis it will face.
Vega Manila is an organization that embodies the SMART core values to ensure that it lives up to its mission of providing its principal with a sustainable supply of qualified, competent and fit-for-sea duty maritime manpower resources.
Fair and based on good judgment. The reason why Vega Manila continues to grow despite the stiff competition in the industry is the fact that management decisions are done in consultation with all stakeholders, thus, yielding results that are based on sound judgment, with all perspectives considered. The more reasonable something is, the more effective it becomes.
Diplomatic and considerate. Through the years, Vega Manila has earned the trust of its wide network of clients and partners by remaining professional yet familial in all its dealings and transactions. To have remained diplomatic while being kind and compassionate is a product of Vega Manila’s culture of treating everyone like family - something that sets the company apart from the rest.
Vega Manila is an organization that embodies the SMART core values to ensure that it lives up to its mission of providing its principal with a sustainable supply of qualified, competent and fit-for-sea duty maritime manpower resources.